Hello, my name is
Saerom Im
Ph.D in Music Education
Music Teacher
- South Korea
- beethovenian@daum.net
Saerom Im, Ph.D in Music education, is after graduating from Arts High School and Korea National University of Education, She earned both her Master’s and Doctoral degrees (2022) in Music Education from the Graduate School of KNUE.
Throughout her career, she has worked as an educator, actress, and vocalist, providing students with the beauty and joy of music and the arts in her 18 years as a public secondary school music teacher. She wrote music text books for middle school students and cooperated with various institutions such as the Ministry of Education, the KICE (Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation), KACES (Korea Arts and Culture Education Service) and universities. Dr. Im has won awards in student choir competitions and teacher’s a class research presentation competition in the arts and physical education category, and currently focuses on activities related to various arts such as music-based theater, dance and visual art. In addition, she deeply agrees with the American philosopher Maxine Greene’s philosophy of art education and thinks that raising a good teacher is the most necessary thing for having many students to focus on good art and to be lead to an awaken life.
Currently, she is researching methods to educate both students and the teachers who are closest to them in the school environment. She has earned a Master’s degree in Theater Studies (2025) and continues to bring music and theater to the stage, embodying the embodied cognition of living human existence through performance.
음악교육학 박사 임새롬은 예술고등학교와 한국교원대학교를 졸업한 후 동대학원에서 석사학위와 박사학위를 취득하였다.
그동안 교육가, 연극배우, 보컬로 활동하는 한편 18년간 공립중등학교 음악교사로 학교에서는 학생들에게 음악과 예술의 아름다움과 즐거움을 수업의 형태로 제공해왔다. 중학교 음악 교과서를 집필하였고 교육부, 한국교육과정평가원, 한국문화예술교육진흥원, 대학교 등 여러 기관과도 협업하였다. 학생합창경연대회와 수업연구발표대회 예체능 계열에서 우승하였으며, 음악을 기반으로 한 연극, 무용, 미술 등 여러 예술과의 연계 활동에 대해 집중하고 있다. 또한, 미국의 여성교육철학자 Maxine Greene의 예술교육철학에 깊이 동의하여 좋은 교사를 키우는 것이 수많은 학생들을 좋은 예술에 집중하게 하여 보다 깨어 있는 삶을 살아가도록 하는 데 가장 필요한 일이라고 생각한다.
지금은 학교 현장에서 학생들을, 그리고 그들과 가장 가까이 있는 교사들을 교육하는 방법을 연구하면서 연극학 석사학위를 취득하고, 음악과 연극을 무대에 올리며 살아있는 인간 존재의 체화된 인지를 몸으로 구현하는 중이다.
I have a Ph.D. in music education, and I am currently working as a music teacher.
in Music Education
Korea National University of Education
/ South Korea
2002 – 2006
in Music Education
Korea National University of Education
Graduate School
/ South Korea
2012 – 2014
Korea National University of Education
Graduate School
/ South Korea
2016 -2022
Master OF ARTS in TheatEr
Keimyung University Graduate Schools of Arts
/ South Korea
2023 -2025
수상 경력
2022. 02.
2021학년도 전기 대학원 (석 박사) 학위논문 심사 우수학위논문상 (한국교원대학교총장)
2016. 12.
First-class teacher from Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education's Middle School Research Competition
대구광역시교육청 주최 중등 수업연구발표대회
예체능계열 1등급 수상(대구광역시교육감)
The Second Prize from Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education's Choir Competition Awards for Secondary Schools
Prize / Award
The Prize for the Instructor & The Grand Prize from Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education's Choir Competition Awards for Secondary Schools
집필 경력
2023. 03.
융합교육으로 미래교육의 길을 찾다
- 미래교육을 열어가는 현장 중심 융합교육(맘에 드림)
2018. 03.
2015 개정 교육과정 따른 <중학교 음악 1,2>
교과서 및 지도서
Journal Article
연구 논문
2024. 10.
(Journal of Music Education Science)
Development and Instructional Design of a Concept-Based Inquiry Learning Model for Music Education
음악과 개념기반 탐구학습 수업모형 개발 및 수업설계 방안 탐색
2024. 02.
(Korean Journal of Research in Music Education)
Vol.53, No.1
Effectiveness and Significance Analysis of the Convergence-Based Music Education Program: Soundscape Design
융합기반 음악교육 프로그램 <사운드스케이프 디자인>의 효과성 및 의미 고찰
2023. 06.
(Korean Journal of Culture and Arts Education Studies)
Vol.18, No.3
Qualitative Analysis of the Effectiveness of Convergence-Based Music Education for Prospective Music Teachers
예비음악교사를 대상으로 한 융합기반 음악교육 효과성 질적 연구 분석
Other Artistic Work
기타 교육 및 예술활동 경력
Instructor in training to strengthen the teaching skill of middle school teachers
(Korean Ministry of Education)
The Arts and Culture, Education Program Researcher for PTSD Youth
(Korea Arts and Culture Education Service, KACES)
Wrote a Textbook of Middle School Music (National curriculum)
Wrote a Textbook of High School Music Theory (National curriculum),
Trainer of Yaenoeul Jazz Singers (-2016)
Singer of Daegu Jazz choir (Directed by Johan Rooze, Netherland)
Actress of a Theatrical company ‘Onnuri’,
Secondary Music Teachers in Public Schools